Tekron Communication systems manufactures products and offers complete system solutions designed for Signal Management in TV & FM Broadcast Transmission sites and in CATV Cable Television “Headend” & Hub sites.
Tekron Communication has developed over the years a strong expertise in Digital, RF & Video signal monitoring and switching, especially for automatic redundancy switching applications and remote site signal monitoring & alarm.
Complete system solutions are also offered with Tekron proprietary software application, developed to monitor & switch up to (128) TV channels, and in use to schedule & control other Video & Digital Matrix switches on the market.
Tekron systems are modular and highly scalable. They are intended for Broadcast & CATV remote site automation and offer a comprehensive solution to the following applications:
- Channels, RF Broadband and Digital Feeds to prevent service interruption.
- Channel & Site Monitoring for automatic switchover to backup transmitters and alarm to the Network
Operation Center with fault conditions.
- Scheduled & Remote Control Switching of signals, broadband feeds and channels, including Router
Matrix Switching, for channel substitution and signal testing applications in remote sites.
For Broadcast applications, Tekron products are typically installed in Television and FM Radio Stations to monitor strength, presence and quality of the signals at both the input and output of the transmitter, for alarm over IP-Networks and automatic switching to a backup transmitter when a critical fault is detected.
They are also installed at the input of the transmitter to monitor and automatically switchover to a backup (satellite or off-air) channel feed, when the main channel received from the studio (via Fiber or satellite) is no longer present.
For CATV Cable Television applications, Tekron products are deployed in main Headend & Hub sites, where all TV channels are processed and sent over for distribution to subscriber homes. They are designed for automatic switching of TV Channels and RF Broadband feeds for redundancy applications.
The yare in use to backup for example TV channels received from local Broadcasters over Fiber-link or Satellite, whether in analog (video/audio) or digital (DVB-ASI) formats.
Tekron products are also in use to provide redundancy to Broadband RF feeds at critical points at the site and for schedule & control signal switching, for routing & substitution of the TV channels at the site.
Tekron Communication works closely with Cable Television and Broadcast system operators in the Americas, in Europe and in the Middle East, to provide them with innovative solutions in addressing new challenges, changing needs and evolving requirements in remote site automation.
Tekron Communication is dedicated to work with Cable Television and Broadcast system operators to provide new solutions to their changing needs/span>
Band CATV Band Return Band Analog Source L-Band CATV Band Return Band